
September 28 Homework

1. Today we discussed the Japanese concept of "wrapping". Do you agree with the web site's description?

Yes, but I'm not sure about heavy rope at the shrine.

What do you do that can be called "wrapping"? Give examples and reasons for your actions.

I wrap food because I want to protect it from dirty outside by wrapping. Wrapped food looks safe and clean for me.
I like to drew a curtain because I don't want to be seen by someone. I want to relax at home or somewhere I stay. If someone watches me, I should behave polite and can't relax.

2a. Where do you go when you die?

I think I just go to a grave after I died. I don't believe that people go to the heaven or hell after they died.

2b. Explain why do Japanese have death memorial services 1 month, 1 year, 3 years, 7 years, etc. after a person's death?

I don't know well about death memorial services, hoji, because I wasn't required to attend them. My mother and grandmothers always arrange hoji. My mother said that she knew we had to hold hoji on specific terms but she didn't know why we had to do so. According to Buddihism reason, we should hold it on 49th day after someone died because he or she is judged whether he or she go to the heaven or hell on the day. However, many people don't know this kind of reason and just pray for the person who passed away.

7 件のコメント:

  1. Hi!!
    Your idea is very good.
    I think we go to heaven after died. But your idea is different.
    Very interesting!!!!

  2. Hmm, the fact that even your mother doesn't know why the hoji are held on specific years is very curious. I really want to find out why, but no one I asked knows either! Sometimes I guess it's just thought of as traditional, and people easily forget the reasons behind the traditions...

  3. Thank you for your comments!

    > clover
    I'm surprised you think we go to heaven after we died. I want to know how many classmates have the idea like me.

    I think so too. We have many things we have to do so because they are tradition. My mother doesn't know why we hold hoji on the specific days, but she cleary knows when we should hold hojis (after 49 days, a year and three year).

  4. You said I don't believe that people go to the heaven or hell after they died. I agree with you. Because I think heaven and hell don't exist.

  5. Hi! Your idea about funerals is very realistic. So Do you mean you will get along in the grave forever?

  6. Thanks for your comments

    I am a little relieved to hear that you agree with me. Maybe, my opinion is not so strange in Japan.

    >Kamen Rider Mo-ri-
    Yes, I think my bones would go to the grave after I died.

  7. Hi!
    Your ides is interesting.
    I want to heaven when I die.
