
June 22 Homework

textbook on page 14, section 4 a-f.

a. When do children usually leave home?

I think childtren leave home when they are from18 to 22 years old, because they start going to the school or the company far from home. Since living alone costs a lot, some people don't leave home after they got a job. After Japanese got married, some people live with their parents. But I think many people don't want to do so.

b. How many people live in your home?

6 family members live in my house. My parents, grandparents and brother live with me. We have two kitchens and bathrooms, so we don't live completely together.

c. Do you have a head of the family?

I think we have. I am sometimes required to write the "Setainushi's name" on some forms. But it doesn't mean Setainushi has storng power to decide everything in my family.

d. Who does the housework?

According to my family, my mother does all of the housework. My father, brother and me never do it. I think it isn't usual in Japan, recently. I know many of my friends do housework in their house.

e. Who runs the family?

Both of my parents work and get money. My father's income is higher than mother's.

f. How many rooms do you have to sleep in

I think there are four rooms we sleep in, but we use the rooms not only to sleep but also to do other things. For example, I sleep, study, watch TV and so on in my room.


June 1 homework

1.Are feelings, emotions and facial expressions universal across borders, happy, sad, etc..?

I think they have many same points in different country, but there are small differences between Japan and another countries. I think I can raghly understand their feelings from their faces. For example, I can understand whether they are happy or not from their faces. But, I think I can't understand their complicated facial expressions. For exaple, I can't understand what tightening their lips or moving eyebrows means in different countries.

2. Try to name as many feelings as possible in Japanese. ( 10 minimum) Then, write the English translation.

楽しい fun   おこっている angry うらやましい enviable
うれしい happy      気まずい awkward いらいらする annoy
さみしい lonly こわい scary 悲しい sad
驚く surprised    興味がある interested

3. Are there any feelings in Japanese that cannot be translated into English?


May 24 Homework

1. How do you greet members of your family?
I usually say 'tadaima' and 'okaeri' to my family. I sometimes say 'ohayou' or 'oyasumi'. But, I think I never say 'konnichiwa' or 'konbanwa'.

2. How do you greet people that are important in society?
Maybe I will say 'ohayougozaimasu', 'konnichiwa' or ' konbanwa'.

3. Do you greet people from the opposite sex in a different way?
If I knew the people from the opposite sex well, I will greet them friendly.
But, when I greet people I don't know well, I think I greet women(people from the same sex) more friendly.

4. Do you hug anyone? If yes, who and when. If no, why not?
No, I don't. Because hug is not my custom. Also, I am very shy. If I hug someone, I feel very embarrassed and nervous. But, I don't mind foreign people hugging me.

My name has three chinese characters. They were not chosen by its meanings. I was named after my family's first-name. The first chinese character is from one of my grandmother's name's character. The second one is from one of another my grand mother's, and third one is from one of my mother's.