

I think there are many customs affected by Buddhism in Japan, but I don't know my customs are based on Buddhism or Shinto. I don't know teachings of Buddhist, though I take part in some religious events like obon.

1. When we get a ochu-gen or an oseibo, my grandmother put them in front of a butudan. I suppose she wants to give our ancestors them.

2. Before I take snacks from the butudan, I have to sit in front of butudan, pray and say hello to my grandmother who passed away and ancestors. I feel that taking them without doing this is very rude and bad.

3. My family visit and clean a grave in Obon season. I go there because I want to pray for my grandfather.

4. When my father sees a dead dog or a cat run over by a car, he says "namuamidabutu" or "nanmaida". He does this because he wants to protect himself from a bad spirit.

5. Once two or three manths, obo-sun comes to my house and pray in front of the butsudan. I don't met him because he comes while I go to school. My grandparents pray with him. My grandmother sometimes makes ohagi on the day he comes.

2 件のコメント:

  1. I didn't know sending ochu-gen and oseibo is related to the Buddhism.
    I don't think it is related to Buddhism, because though my father's families are shinto, but they send ochu-gen and oseibo.
    I think it is a Japanese traditional event to show our thankful feelings to others.

  2. >anpanman
    Thank you for your comment!
    I don't know if ochugen is related to Buddism, either. Maybe you are right, and it is Japanese custom. But, I think putting them in front of Butudan is related to Buddism.
